What is OpenAI's GPT-Next?

What is OpenAI's GPT-Next?
Hypothetical and real products from OpenAI are coming finally, in 2024 and 2025.

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There's been social mentions of GPT Next recently in early September, 2024. At the KDDI Summit, OpenAI Japan provided insights into the company's next generation of AI models. A new version dubbed "GPT Next" is planned for 2024, promising a substantial leap in capabilities.

OpenAI Japan’s CEO just stated (article is in Japanese) that ‘GPT-Next’, OpenAI’s upcoming AI model, is expected to be 100 times more powerful than GPT-4. OpenAI's new products and models are set to come out before GPT-5 comes in 2025.  Strawberry and Orion are projects that aim to push AI capabilities beyond current limits—particularly in reasoning, problem-solving and show beginnings in text to action.

Tadeo Nagasaki outlined OpenAI's business and shared his own views on the new AI model that will be announced in the future, calling it "GPT Next."

The development of GPT-Next is closely linked with two projects, Strawberry and Orion. 

We don't really know much:

  • GPT-Next is expected to achieve a 100x performance increase without wasting significantly more computing resources.
  • The improvement comes from better architecture and learning efficiency, not just raw computing power.
  • GPT-Next will use a smaller version of “Strawberry”, an advanced AI system OpenAI is currently developing.
  • The slide mentions GPT Next 2024, which while unconfirmed, hints that the model may be released by the end of 2024.

Enterprise AI Adoption is all you Need

While OpenAI's 200 million WAUs (weekly active users) sounds impressive, it's actually ChatGPT Enterprise where OpenAI makes the bulk of its revenue. Nagasaki explains that ChatGPT Enterprise, a service for businesses that celebrated exactly one year since its launch in English-speaking countries at the end of August, is seeing "an incredible increase in the number of companies adopting it."

Nagasaki, who became head of OpenAI Japan in April 2024 after serving as President of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Japan. The social media hype and leaks around this event seemed mostly exaggerated.

In recent months and in 2024, Anthropic and Google have made very real strides in catching up to OpenAI and the capabilities of their models.

At Microsoft's Build developer conference in May, CTO Kevin Scott showed a similar graphic suggesting a much more powerful OpenAI model by the end of 2024. So we can expect GPT Next likely in November, 2024.

That's basically all we know or was reported.